Outdoor Concrete Colors

Tile pattern concrete overlay

Helping Your Clients to Choose Outdoor Concrete Colors

As a contractor, you have to do more than install concrete products for your clients. In many cases, they turn to you for guidance when selecting materials, concrete colors, or designs. The majority of manufacturers only offer outdoor concrete colors in eight or so choices. Encouraging your client to use Sundek greatly increases their choices. The different coloring mixtures from Sundek allow your clients to select from literally dozens of colors. These range from muted to bright and can be blended for virtually unlimited colors.

Type of Stain to Select

First, help your client figure out what the ideal type of outdoor concrete colors is for the situation. SunH20, for example, is water-based and great for patios and driveways, while SunDye - Exterior dries quickly and is designed for outdoor use. Selecting the stain type depends on where the concrete will be placed, whether it is already installed, the texture of the surface, and the colors your client wants.

Remembering Permanency

Throughout the decision-making process, encourage your clients to remember that outdoor concrete colors are permanent. They may change shades over time, especially if not properly cared for, but they will always be part of the concrete. The stain goes through a reaction with the concrete, and the entire top layer is colored. Because of this, suggest your clients first have you apply the color to a small area so they can be sure they like it.

Considering Color Scheme

A final consideration when helping your clients select colors for outdoor concrete is the general color scheme of the area. For more natural colors, recommend SunAcid, but if your client wants bolder colors, they should consider SunDye. If the concrete is going in front of a neutral-colored building or will simply be next to plants, then color is probably not a concern. If, however, the home or business is an unusual color, careful planning will be necessary so the concrete’s color complements what is already in place.

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